reaching the children of
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meet the team
"Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15
Steve McKinley
State Director
My wife, Bev grew up around CEF, and many of her relatives were CEF leaders and staff members. I did not know anything about CEF until our son, Matt, wanted to go to CEF’s Christian Youth In Action (CYIA) training in the summer of 1993. When he returned from CYIA, he could teach Sunday School, 5 Day Clubs, and was excited about doing it. At this time, God had already begun to move in our hearts that we needed to make a change in our life. We were so impressed with CEF and Matt’s training that Bev and I sold our business and went to CEF staff training in Missouri that fall. I had grown up in Palmer, Alaska, and felt that the Lord wanted us to return to Alaska and restart a CEF ministry on the Kenai Peninsula. We have been here since 1994 and have been blessed to see CEF spread around the state, training teenagers and adults to reach children. Children need to hear about Jesus! They need to know Godly life skills and understand that God loves them and that they have a purpose in life.
In Loving Memory of Bev McKinley
On Friday, November 1, 2019, Bev stepped into glory after a three-year battle with cancer. Over those three years, she never stopped ministering the Gospel. She poured her life out for her friends, her children, and grandchildren, all for her Savior. Bev's daily planner is a wonder to behold. The days are full of appointments with one person after another because Bev treasured people, and she was absolutely committed to making sure that people knew they were loved by God.
We rejoice that Bev is now free from pain and is with her Savior for eternity, but we grieve the loss of our precious friend. She impacted so many lives and will be greatly missed.
Kim Walker
Ministry Coordinator
CEF has been a constant factor in my life since the 1970’s. My Mother started a Good News Club in our home so the many un-churched neighborhood children would be able to learn about God. I learned the importance of knowing God, memorizing His Word, and sharing the Gospel with others. Now I enjoy teaching God’s Word to children, teens and adults. I love seeing the expression on people’s faces when they receive forgiveness for their sins. I see the desire stirred in them to know more about God and His Word. I encourage anyone to be confident in their faith in God and to build their relationship with Christ. I have found the more I teach the Bible, the more I learn.
“That ye may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” -Colossians 1:10
Mike & Juanita Ferrari
Outreach Coordinators
We were both born and raised in California but that is not where God wanted us to stay. In 2007, we came to Gulkana, Alaska on a mission trip to help put on a VBS in Gulkana Village. From that trip, God started working on our hearts. We returned in 2008 and then again in 2009, and God convinced us it was time to move to Alaska.
We moved to Alaska in 2010 attending and serving at Gulkana Community Chapel. We came for the kids, but God opened other doors, allowing us to minister into the lives of teens and adults. We’ve always been open and available to what God wanted us to do, and this year, God made it clear that it was time for another change.
Our church has been partnering with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) for a few years and in January 2022, we accepted an invitation to join the CEF Anchorage/Matsu Committee.
This world is changing; kids are leaving the church, walking away from God and it is a sad situation. However, as we look at what CEF is doing, we see a serious investment into young lives. They are given a deeper understanding of their faith and taught how to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
We lived in Los Angeles for over 40 years, and then we moved to a very rural part of Alaska (currently living in a village of less than 50 people). A move to Anchorage was not on our radar. However, God made it clear, once again, that being in Gulkana was not where He wanted us to stay. We are so excited to be joining CEF. We have huge shoes to fill and that alone makes us nervous, but we go forward knowing that God will be with us every step of the way. In every trial, struggle or unknown situation, God will be with us. As we learn, face challenges or make mistakes, God will be with us. As we seek to fundraise and find people and churches who want to be a part of how God is working here in Alaska, God will be with us.
Ben and Becki Olson
Administrator, Anchorage MatSu
Ben Olson serves as administrator for the Anchorage and Mat-Su Valley chapter of Child Evangelism Fellowship of Alaska. He and his wife, Becki moved to Alaska in 2014 along with their five children. For ten years Ben taught Bible and Theology at Alaska Bible College, where he also served as Academic Dean. Ben and Becki’s family mission is training up the next generation of Church leaders in the Word of God.
Ben came to know Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of five and so understands the importance of reaching children with the Gospel at an early age. At the age of nine, Ben’s parents began to serve with CEF in Indiana. He grew up in the ministries of CEF, serving alongside his parents, and so is passionate about families serving the Lord together.
Now, Ben and Becki’s five children have all attended Christian Youth In Action and have served in some capacity with CEF, teaching 5-Day Clubs, Good News Clubs, and interning with CEF here in Alaska. Ben sees the importance of multi-generational ministry, passing the torch of the Gospel from generation to generation.
Michele Swensen
Rural Ministry Coordinator
I began serving the Lord in children’s ministries as a teenager in my church. God solidified my heart for ministering to children on a mission trip to Ecuador at age sixteen. I was accepted to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago where I met my husband, Mark. We were married in 1992, remaining in Chicago until I completed my degree in International Ministries in 1994. During my training at MBI one of my favorite ministries to participate in was evangelizing and mentoring children with InterCity Impact Ministries. Upon my graduation, Mark then continued his training in Elizabethton, TN, receiving his degree in Missionary Aviation Technology in 1997. During his training God placed me at a local elementary school as an Extended School Program teacher where I had opportunity to subtly impact the lives of the children with the love of Christ.
Early in our married life, Mark and I sought the Lord as to where and with whom He would place us to minister. When we learned about ministry opportunities in Alaska, the Lord burdened our hearts to be part of it.
We arrived in Alaska in 2001 to serve with Missionary Aviation Repair Center. In 2016, Mark transitioned to serving with Samaritan’s Purse and I joined the staff at CEF of Alaska. During those years with MARC, we were both deeply involved as volunteers with CEF.
God has blessed us with four children, each of whom have been trained through CEF. As adults, two of our daughters are actively invloved in CEF ministry coaching local Good News Club teams and leading teams on village ministry trips. Our family has seen first-hand the effects CEF ministry has throughout Alaska and I feel privileged to be involved in it as full-time ministry.
As Rural Ministry Coordinator, my job encompasses mentoring teens locally and in the villages, teaching, training, and coordinating village ministry. The goal is to see the next generation rise up to be the spiritual leaders of their families, churches, and communities to the glory of God.
Rob and Kristi Dillingham
Family Ministry Coordinator
Office Associate
Rob came to Alaska in 1995 and flew commercially for ten years. He met Kristi at church in Kenai and they were married in 1998. Work took them to Anchorage where Kristi finished a bachelor's degree in nursing and found a nursing job. It was during this time that they felt called by the Lord into full-time ministry and they began serving with Arctic Barnabas Ministries in 2005. Rob used his flying skills and Kristi used her organizational and administrative gifts at ABM, but God also developed in them a desire for pastors' families and their ministries in rural villages to thrive.
In March 2018 the Dillinghams transitioned from ABM to CEF. Rob is serving as Family Ministry Coordinator and Kristi as an office associate. They are comfortable traveling to rural communities as a family and enjoy serving as a family with CEF all around the state.
Harlan and Josie Lloyd
Family Ministry Coordinator
Biographical information coming soon!
Logan and Aspen Ringquist
Family Ministry Coordinator
Logan and Aspen Ringquist serve with CEF as the Kenia Peninsula Family Ministry Coordinators. They have served with CEF in many volunteer positions since 2005. They have two kids Lincoln and Audrey who serve in CEF with them.