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In the midst of every Alaskan Fall, as the leaves change colors and the mornings grow more crisp Alaskans flock to Palmer, AK for the Alaska State Fair. While they are there, they just might find a little more than food and fun. CEF Alaska hosts a booth each year dedicated entirely to sharing the message of the Gospel with any fair-goer interested in listening. Using the Wordless Book and a red caboose booth the Word of God is proclaimed at the fair.


Those privileged to staff the booth have seen salvation and confession of sin. They have handed out tracts, Truth Chasers worksheets, and many Bibles. Currently, Kim Walker, CEF Anchorage/Mat-Su Coordinator, is working to pull together a map of Bible-teaching churches. Many who have come through the booth have asked for church suggestions in their area and we are excited to have this list ready for the upcoming fair season.


We need hands and hearts to continue to make this ministry a possibility!



We need people willing to attend our CEF Wordless Book training and man the booth!

There are 115, 3-4 hour slots that need to be filled to make sure there is always someone at the booth ready to share the gospel!



That God would prepare hearts to be receptive to the gospel.

The workers would have clarity of mind and be sensitive to the Lords leading in their words.

Against the opposition, there are those who would rather us not be at the fair.


Towards the booth rental space, tickets and parking, tracts, and Bibles.


“I had been ministering with CEF for 10 years when I first volunteered at the CEF booth. It was so neat to me to share the gospel with adults using the Wordless Book. The message is effective for any age group and knowing what to talk about next gave me the confidence to share boldly. It was such a blessing to watch a 17 year old girl pray and accept Christ as her Savior!”

-Ramsey Vega

“A woman with her daughter and niece came into the booth to hear the Wordless Book story. The mom stayed very quite through the story. After the prayer, I asked the daughter if she believed what she prayed. “Yes!” she exclaimed. I asked the niece , “If you meant what you prayed, what happened to your sin?” She quietly said “God forgives me.” Then the daughter asked the Mom, “Did you pray, Mom?” The Mom gave a big smile as she said, “I prayed that prayer when I was your age. I really needed to be reminded of all this. Thank you so much for sharing.” As they were leaving they were busy discussing about going to church for the first time Sunday. The Mom stopped and yelled back, “This is better than any other booth at the fair. This made the fair worth it.”

-Kim Walker

One fair worker shared that  the day she spent at the Wordless Book booth was the most she had ever shared the Gospel in her life, more in one day than all the years before.

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